A Journey Alone: Finding Solace in Solitude


If you conquer yourself, then you will conquer the world. Paulo Coelho, Aleph

Embracing Solitude

We are born alone, we die alone, and throughout our lives, we will often find ourselves alone. One of life’s great joys is to be alone without feeling lonely. When we’re alone, we have the chance to commune with our souls, to quietly open up and unravel what’s inside.

From Loneliness to Self-Acceptance

I often find myself alone due to the nature of my work, which requires a lot of solitary time. At first, I struggled with loneliness. I’d be in a beautiful tented camp with stunning surroundings and luxuries, yet I felt so isolated that I couldn’t enjoy the beauty around me. I would see a perfect dawn or an astounding sunset and feel sadness that no one was there to share it with me. Even while enjoying a wonderful meal, I couldn’t fully appreciate it without someone to share the experience with. To escape the feeling of loneliness, I would fill my time with work, movies, or trivial tasks, anything to keep my mind busy and distracted.

Understanding Loneliness

It took me a while to realize that loneliness is a state of mind. It’s not about where you are or who you’re with; it’s about how you perceive your situation. I’ve found myself in crowded places feeling lonelier than if I were alone in my room. Sometimes, this was due to my own choice to shut people out and isolate myself.

Finding Companionship in Solitude

Conversely, I’ve been completely alone and felt like I had the whole world as my companion. I’ve sat at dawn, watching the daybreak, observing little birds gathering twigs for their nests, ants foraging for food, and trees rustling gently in the wind. In these moments, I became part of the natural world around me, and the solitude felt comforting rather than lonely.

The Inner Pilgrimage

Now, when I am alone, I sometimes embark on an inner journey. Instead of just observing the world around me, I take a pilgrimage into myself. This practice of self-reflection has become a fulfilling way to handle solitude without feeling lonely.

Reflecting on Pilgrimage

Living by the coast, surrounded by a community that frequently discusses pilgrimage to Mecca, I’ve often thought about the concept of pilgrimage. People embark on this journey in search of spiritual enlightenment. Although I respect their reasons and cannot fully understand their experiences, I focus on the individual pilgrimage—the journey within oneself.

We can try to escape everything around us, and even run from ourselves for a time, but eventually, we confront ourselves. Instead of running, I recommend taking time to journey inward, confronting who we are and who we might become. We should reflect on our triumphs and accomplishments, remember the joy and laughter, and celebrate ourselves and the sources of our happiness. We must also acknowledge our failures and losses, allowing ourselves to feel and process our pain, and then forgive ourselves. Recognizing both our weaknesses and strengths is crucial.

Completing the Inner Journey

At the end of this inner pilgrimage, we might feel a mix of gratitude, satisfaction, exhaustion, and even euphoria. We will have completed our journey and can move forward, ready for whatever life has in store. Regularly taking this inner pilgrimage can help us become more content, as we accept ourselves and, consequently, make it easier for others to accept us. This practice helps us conquer ourselves and allows us to be alone without feeling lonely.

If you enjoyed this reflection on solitude and inner journeys, be sure to check out my latest video on the same topic over on my YouTube channel, @thandishaven. In the video, I dive deeper into finding solace in solitude and share personal insights and experiences that weren’t included in this post. Don’t miss it!

And if you’re inspired by the beauty of solitude, you might enjoy reading the classic poem “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” by William Wordsworth, which you can find at https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/45521/i-wandered-lonely-as-a-cloud

Kismet: Reinforcing my Path to Social Media


When you are following your true destiny, then the universe will conspire to help you…” – Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

The Inception of My Blogging Journey

I have been thinking about beginning a blog for several years now. I felt that I had something to share and thought that I was ready and brave enough to put it out to the world and have the world react. I spent time talking about it and thinking about it. I downloaded information and software; Copyblogger became my companion, sending me emails every day to help improve my blog. I was not going to begin this without adequate research and knowledge of how to do it properly. And as you know, research takes a lot of time and diligence.

I opened a file in my Outlook and each day I filed away what Copyblogger had sent me, keeping it all until I would have the time to sift through it all and make sense of it, learn, and begin my blog. Of course, I never did open that folder, but I did not terminate the service from Copyblogger because it would mean that I was defeated and was abandoning my blog idea.

The Paralysis of Fear and Procrastination

What do we call this? Fear, procrastination, and whatever label we give it, can be crippling. It is even more dangerous than outrightly saying that something has defeated us, and we are giving up. Why? Well, if we give up and articulate that, it at least gives us a chance to look around at something else we could do, start again in a new direction. But if we hold on to the original idea, paralyzed into inaction because of our fears, yet unwilling to articulate and come to terms with that fear, then we end up frozen, not moving forwards or backwards, just frozen in time. That is more dangerous and debilitating!

Embracing Social Media

I have had a secret fascination for social media for a while. However, I relegated it to the “youth,” a dot com thing, not for us older, more traditional people. We cannot get involved in this stuff, lest we look like teenagers. People will start wondering if we are going through a midlife crisis. Let the kids run around tweeting and Facebooking and wasting time because they would rather not live in present reality and have real human interactions; machines and virtual reality are more interesting to them. Besides, in my line of work, what has social media got to do with it?

One day, a man came up to me at my place of work and told me that he had started a Facebook page for my hotel. He said that he would get it up and running, and then he would hand it to me to administrate. Okay, fine, how hard would that be? Needless to say, when he finally gave it to me to administrate, it was so busy I had to relinquish responsibility to my company’s marketing department to manage it.

The Power of Social Media

People reacted so positively to this Facebook page. They shared information, pictures, and tips on local knowledge, giving other guests pertinent information that a new visitor to a destination would find comforting. It came from another guest’s perspective, not a marketing gimmick—real guests, real experiences. Further, they shared opinions about the facility, services, food, etc. The only difference between this and TripAdvisor is that the people on this Facebook page were fans of the hotel; they loved the place and marketed it for free with a zeal that ten marketing teams could not accomplish. People out there, especially those who had never been to the hotel, used this as a conduit for information. I was amazed and overwhelmed! Social media: how everyone embraced it and relied on it as a source of information and sharing of experiences.

My Transformation

Luckily, my company was more enlightened than I was on social media and its benefits; they embraced it fully. Currently, they have a Facebook page for every one of the properties, each as successful as the next. Guests have found a forum to share information and share their travels and great experiences. Social media marketing at its best!

A New Beginning

So, I am now convinced, and with my very recent encounter with inspiration in Kipungani, where I came face to face with my destiny, I embark on this journey and hope you will come along with me. Enjoy it with me, cry with me, and be still with me, as the mood requires. Life is ever-changing, and we must embrace that change to move forward. This is my journey. Please join me, share with me, teach me. Let us begin a dance, a romance, one so profound that we will be forever changed by knowing each other!

Want to see more? Watch my video on the same topic on my Youtube channel https:youtube.com/@thandishaven

Again and again and again, I begin……

“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.”
– Samuel Beckett

So after taking a hiatus for several years, I have decided to restart my inspirational writings again.  It’s not that I stopped writing, quite the contrary, I just stopped posting pieces in my blog, but I have decided to start yet again, continuing a journey I begun as a child, writing that is, and posting online, which I began 2010? One should never give up, and the journey is never over, it changes trajectory, even complete direction, the momentum slows down, almost to a complete stop, but the journey is never over, never.  Even when one passes on, hopefully, they leave a legacy and so the journey continues.  No am not passing on, not right now anyway, am just saying, my journey, my most recent trajectory continues.

So with that, I feel I have grown a great deal as a person.  My angel went off to do her IB diploma and chose to do it in Costa Rica!  I think she wanted to distance herself from me, and I don’t blame her, I did tend to smother her, single child of a single parent and all that.  Her departure did what it was intended to do, besides her academic progress, she learned further how to be independent, and how to live with people from around the world.  She also got a chance to come out of my shadow and my way of doing things and see a different perspective.  She found her voice, and though I am biased, I like it a lot.  She is growing into an amazing young woman and I am very proud.

In her absence, and what an absence it was, I was forced to regroup and reorganize and after 17 years of focusing on her.  August 2018, I was forcibly thrust into a situation where I had to rethink of my existence and my reason for being.  Something I would not have willingly done unless something drastic happened.  Well UWC Costa Rica happened!  And what a happening, firstly it took me holding on to status quo for an additional 8 months, I kept everything intact, even her room, as though she was coming back to that house and that room and nothing had changed.  We lie to ourselves to make the transition easier, at least that is what we say.  Ha! The joke was on me! Everything had changed, she was never coming back to the way things were before August 2018.  Even if she came back, she would be a different person and the way we engaged would be different.  

It took her birthday, 17 years and the first time that I was not physically with her.  To simplify it I felt like shit! Like a failure, like all that I had done, all the education, work experience, all of my life to this point was not good enough to allow me financially or practically to be with my angel on her birthday, that far away.  I called, feeling such guilt at having failed her, only to be shut down with the fact that since she was that far away (9 hours behind away) that her birthday was the next day and I should wait to wish her a happy birthday then.  Needless to say, it went south from there.  When I did try to call her the next day, she was not available, too busy enjoying her birthday with her new friends in her new environment.  Children can be so cruel!

Then it dawned on me! She has moved on and she is well and along her way to becoming everything I wished for her.  Independent and well adjusted!  I was the one who had not made the transition and was still hanging on to her coattails for a sense of belonging.  Not knowing who I was now and which direction I was headed and terrified at a future that looked so different for the past that I was accustomed to.

I needed to find me, to rediscover me and who I want to be today and tomorrow.  Life on my terms now not determined by others.  Life as I would like it to become.  I am taking the time to get to know myself now and making whatever adjustments I need to make in areas I feel are wanting.  Taking responsibility for my happiness, defining myself on my terms! I am excited!

The Journey Continues……..

Ever Tried.  Ever Failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail Again. Fail Better! Samuel Beckett

It’s been a while, a long while;  I guess this is what is called taking a hiatus from writing.  I am not sure what brought it on, but there it was,  I stopped writing regularly and posting in the blog, and looking back I think it is a shame.  I used to enjoy the dialogue with friends old and new from around the world, friends who would read the blog on a weekly basis and comment. I felt honored words I wrote would inspire people and make them feel good. Then it all stopped, the drive I felt to write remained but to write for the public domain did not.  Not until now. Continue reading

Dream, I dare you!

It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.” 
― Paulo Coelho, the Alchemist

Dreams (a strongly desired goal or purpose), aspiration even, are part of our lives and very important components at that.  There are people out there who spend hours dreaming about what they want to be, how they want to live, and even what they want to accomplish.  Then there are those who resign themselves and state that they will never be able to accomplish their dreams, so they give up and live a “half life”, one where they are existing but not living, how sad! Publicly these people may seem happy, accomplished even, but deep down in their souls, where they cannot hide from themselves; they are just going through the motions, not really happy about their situations, but not courageous enough to make any significant changes. Continue reading

A single step

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Lao-tzu, The Way of Lao-tzu  Chinese philosopher (604 BC – 531 BC) 

Not very long ago, my daughter started going through puberty! I was in shock, I was not ready for this, after all they say that the timing of puberty is typically followed from the mother of the child and I did not actually hit puberty until I was almost 15. Late maybe, but that was that, so in my mind I had at least   a few more  years to prepare for this thing, this life changing thing that would propel my little girl into womanhood (okay, young womanhood but womanhood all the same). Continue reading