“Attraction is beyond our will or ideas sometimes.” — Juliette Binoche
What is the Attraction?
What is the attraction? Is a person is attractive and hence they attract, and then the object of that a attraction is attracted back? Or is it that a person goes innocently along and bumps into someone, and BOOM! Attraction! Or is it a combination of both things?
The First Encounter
When two people first lay eyes on each other, what happens? Do their souls reach out and touch? Is it the eyes that simultaneously see and mutually like, propelling them towards each other? What about scents and pheromones, that mix in the wind and begin a dance or romance between two? What do they have to do with attraction?
Feeling Like Old Friends
How do two people meet for the first time, and feel they have known each other for a lifetime? The coincidences that couples realize as they begin to know each others likes and dislikes in sync. Beginning a dance of life as though they were always lifelong partners, yet the relationship is new?
How do hearts, minds, and souls of strangers intermingle as though they are continuing a romance of time past? How do couples sing perfect duets without hesitation or doubt as though they’ve practiced, and have only just met?
The Universal Pull
The world shows many signs of attraction; gravitational pull—a law of the universe we accept as fact. The way a flower leans out and up towards the gentle warming rays of the sun. How we are pulled towards a colour or sound or image with no real explanation why we are thus drawn.
The way a moth is drawn to a flame, the closer it gets, the more detrimental the effects. Singed wings and sometimes even death. There is a force that pulls us in a certain direction, even when that direction may prove hazardous to us.
Unreciprocated Attraction
How do we reconcile attraction that makes us feel so strongly about a person. Even one who does not reciprocate our feelings. Worse still, they once did but dpn’t anymore? What makes a woman attractive to one or several men, yet to another man, she is not appealing or attractive?
In my own experience, I have had men attracted to me whom I felt nothing for. I have also been attracted to men, to whom I could have been a lump on a log.
The Fizzling Flame
How is it two people have an attraction for each other, mutual, volatile, and exciting! Within no time, the flames have waned completely, and the cinders left could not fuel a new fire . What happens then? Maybe this attraction is of the body and not the mind? Lust? Once that attraction is sated, there is nothing left to hold on to. In this case, attraction is a means to an end, once the “end” is accomplished, the means (attraction) no longer exists.
Embracing Attraction
I am probably overthinking this whole thing. Attraction should be enjoyed or lamented as needed without a whole lot of dissection. I love to be attracted; it makes me feel vibrant and alive! When it is not reciprocated or the intentions are not the same, it can leave me feeling wretched, like a moth singed by the flames!
I think that we are attractive and attracted beings. We should live life embracing attraction, if it comes our way, till we find a kindred spirit. One who resonates with our souls. Then we hold on and dance until the music stops. If it ends or changes, as attraction inevitably does, we reflect. We cherish the memories it brought, appreciate the lessons learned, and find gratitude in the opportunity given us.
We sort out our memories and archive them into what to repeat, and what to avoid the next time. As the Earth rotates on its axis and there is gravitational pull, attraction will always be a part of our lives. It will always return to us, giving us another chance.
The question is: Are we ready and willing for attraction, when it comes back around? Are we ready to embrace it, own it? Always moving towards it like a moth to a flame? Even when it singes our wings. I know I am! Be brave and embrace attraction; it is a part of who we are and what makes life worth living!