“I believe I …………..”

“Only in quiet waters, things mirror themselves undistorted.  Only in a quiet mind is adequate perception of the world.” Hans Margolius, quoted in A Toolbox for Humanity

In the process of discussions with friends and general experiences, I have come to the conclusion that you define your life by your perception of it. In other words, I will react to the world in the way that I see the world and my place in it. Continue reading

Boyfriends, memories and the tapestry of life!

We don’t accomplish anything in this life alone…and whatever happens is the result of the whole tapestry of one’s life and all the weavings of individual threads from one to another that creates something.       -Sandra Day O’Connor

A while ago, I happened upon an old boyfriend, actually my very first boy friend, talk about a blast from the past! Anyway in conversing with him, he reminded me of a ritual we used to have whilst we dated back in the day, and it was way way back trust me! Continue reading