Connect A-head!

“Invisible threads are the strongest ties.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche

One recent evening, I sat at a table at the Tamarind restaurant, overlooking the beautiful creek that surrounds, Mombasa Island.  At night the sight is magical. The entire island comes to life with twinkling lights.   The creek is as calm as a sheet.  If one did not know better they may think the water is a frozen sheet of ice, however we are in Mombasa, in Kenya, the equator etc, so frozen water? Not at all likely, it was very still though, like glass, a mirror for the glistening island of Mombasa, breathtaking! Continue reading

I am a Tomboy!

“My soul is not contained within the limits of my body; my body is contained within the limitlessness of my soul” Jim Carey

When I was a little girl, I lived amongst boys, so much so that I thought I was a boy.  I climbed trees, and generally ran rampant, well as much as my grandmother would allow me.  Later on I grew into womanhood and the real fun begun. Truth be told, I have never really been a girly girl, even in University, I opted to sleep an extra half hour rather than join my friends in the bathroom preening and putting on make-up before class.  Continue reading