Carpe Diem!

“And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.” 
–Abraham Lincoln

Every day I wake up I am grateful, there are many who do not, each time I look at my daughter I am in awe of the blessings bestowed upon me, as there are many who will never know what it’s like to be a parent.  As much as I cuss about my job and pay and anything work related, I know I am being a hypocrite, because I should be grateful I have a job to complain about, co-workers to drive me nuts, many many people are not working.I know this tone is very somber, it is matching the dreary gray days we have been having in Mombasa lately.  Not the typical oh the rain? Not to worry give it an hour and the sun will shine again, no this is the all day grey sky rain falling in bits like an orchestra performing a piece, heavy and full on, then lighter, than almost stopped, then drizzle and drizzle and drizzle, well, you get the drift.  All the while the sky remains gray and laden with more and more rain to come.  However that is a blessing as well, it brings to mind Sade’s song about a Woman in Somalia in dry Somalia, searching for something to feed her family with the relentless sun beating down on her and the earth around her, am sure she would appreciate some rain.

What is this all about? Seizing the day! Understanding that no matter how bad things seem, they have been better and will be better, as long as we are willing to ride the storm. No one ever accomplished anything by not starting.  No matter how good you may be at whatever  it is you do, it means nothing if you do not take the first step and try; not just a half-hearted try, no, try as though it is the only opportunity you will have.  Grab each day, own it, make it yours and make it count! Then if you don’t have it tomorrow, at least you had it and it felt good.  We need to take opportunities when they come by, take them because there is no guarantee that they will come around again.  Take them because someone else in the world does not have those opportunities, and for whatever reason the universe is smiling at you and showing you favor.  Seize it, grab it, make it yours and be grateful that you have it.   Do the best you can with it and hope and pray for many more!

I read a blog the other day, by a blogger I follow.  This guys writing is remarkable in its simplicity and ease, whilst laden with good solid, practical advice.  In this particular piece he was talking about losers and winners and he differentiated them not on their success or failure rates, but on their attitude towards success and failure.   Anyway my reference to the “My Everyday  Power blog “(,and in particular reference to his post “Winners vs. Losers”  is that I agree it is all about attitude and to add to that particular post, I would hazard to say that winners seize the day, they make every opportunity count, no matter the outcome and they learn from their mistakes.

Don’t lose that opportunity to tell someone you love them, or you forgive them or say sorry to them for a transgression of yours that may have caused them pain.  Don’t walk away from a friend because of your hurt pride; take the moment to be kind to a complete stranger. Smile as often as you can to the world, smile to yourself and you will feel better inside.  Don’t forget to  look up and appreciate the way the clouds dance in the sky, look around you and appreciate the natural beauty of your surroundings;  even in a concrete jungle, replace natural with manmade but still see the beauty because it is there and there is no guarantee it will be there another time.  Carpe Diem, live every moment as though it was your last!

“May you live all the days of your life.” 
Jonathan Swift

5 thoughts on “Carpe Diem!

  1. “Seizing the day! Understanding that no matter how bad things seem, they have been better and will be better, as long as we are willing to ride the storm. No one ever accomplished anything by not starting. No matter how good you may be at whatever it is you do, it means nothing if you do not take the first step and try; not just a half-hearted try, no, try as though it is the only opportunity you will have.” love that….it describes everything im feeling and more right now. youre right this gloomy weather is kinda dreary but today the sun is shining here in Arusha and even though things can be better, I have smiled today. keep writing sis, I know its been a minute since ive been through your blog so ive got some catching up to do, your words inspire me!

    • My goodness girl that was quick, hang in there no matter what it will be better! thanks for your vote of confidence. Yes catch up please and comment, I had gotten used to comments from you on the regular! you keep me honest and inspired to continue writing!

  2. OK…. Your message has come just when I’ve been contemplating working out on a friendship that REALLY is not working at all! I know it’s easy to tell people you love them, to extend grace, but sometimes we must seize the day even if it’s not about something “nice” because not doing so drains us!!! I guess what’s stopping me at this moment is that I want to be as sure as I can be that I have indeed extended as much grade as I would like others to extend to me! sigh!!!!

    On the other hand, you blog made me think of two ideas/ movies – “Pay it forward” and “The Ultimate Gift” both movies that inspire us not to take what we experience for granted but to really FEEL it… you feel me???? That being said, it is a challenge to FEEL whole heartedly through challenges… it’s like when a woman is laboring before the birth of a child and those with experience say “Breath!” but the entire body wants to hold its breath to avoid the pain!

    Today I’m translating your blog to mean…. “breath through it… just breath and allow yourself to FEEL … then reconcile yourself, realign what needs realigning and ….. keep moving and …. keep breathing!”


  3. Made me think of Les Crane’s recorded version of the Desiderata that I loved listening to on radio some time back (long live KBC sundowner!) …

    “You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars;
    you have a right to be here.
    And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.”
    Carpe diem indeed!

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