Boyfriends, memories and the tapestry of life!

We don’t accomplish anything in this life alone…and whatever happens is the result of the whole tapestry of one’s life and all the weavings of individual threads from one to another that creates something.       -Sandra Day O’Connor

A while ago, I happened upon an old boyfriend, actually my very first boy friend, talk about a blast from the past! Anyway in conversing with him, he reminded me of a ritual we used to have whilst we dated back in the day, and it was way way back trust me! Continue reading

“Don’t worry be happy” *

“No one is in control of your happiness but you; therefore, you have the power to change anything about yourself or your life that you want to change”.  Barbara De Angelis

What is happiness? “Happiness is a mental or emotional state of well-being characterized by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy.” This is according to Wikipedia.

How many times in life does someone ask you “are you happy?”  Who or what defines your happiness?  Taking a glimpse within, I must admit there was a time in my life when I thought and believed that my partner defined my happiness, he was responsible for ensuring that I was content and experienced that intense joy, after all he loved me right? So he should ensure that the person he loves was happy!

 Back in those dark ages, when I had little enlightenment about this thing happiness and knew less about myself, one of the ways I wanted my partner to signify without a doubt that he loved me was by buying me flowers. I felt that if he loved me and knew how much I liked flowers, then he would surely want to make me happy and buy me flowers.  I waited and waited and waited, for flowers that were not forthcoming, he bought me other things and in his own way showed me he cared, but he did not buy me flowers and I was not complete, I still needed this symbol of his love and I really did like flowers so much, still do.

Many years later I would go out, see a lovely bouquet of flowers and dare to buy them myself.  I would bring them home or to the office, put them in a vase with water and I would love them, they would make me happy! They would give me that intense joy! What a surprise! So it is the flowers that made me happy, who bought them was not important! What an epiphany for me! What power I had returned to myself! This being one example of many, I learned quickly that ultimately, I was responsible for my happiness.  I decided whether I was happy or not, people or things around me could not make that decision for me, unless I gave them the power.

Now I know that though surrounding myself with positive people and attracting positive energy lends in my happiness, yet those around me can only take away my happiness if I let them.  They may try to create misery, and unfortunately in life, many succeed.  However, I have the power to decide how I will allow people to affect me.  I decide who I surround myself with and if they do not make me feel good inside my soul and they don’t add value to my life, then I have to be strong enough to make the decision to sever ties, even though at times it means remaining alone.

Many things make me happy, life, the laughter of a child, the dawning of the day with the warming rays of the sun, the pitter patter of raindrops against my window pane, the light breeze over the ocean as the sun sets and the day draws to a close.  The sound of music (no pun intended, I do like the movie as well), the smell of pastries right out of the oven, the sight of my angel, sleeping, smiling, being pensive or concentrating, my angel period, a great source of happiness for me.  A rainbow in the distance, I still love cut flowers (hint, hint J), a good book, my friends:, their love, support and all the moments we LOL* together! I could go on forever, and for that I am grateful. I have so much that makes me happy,  and thank God that I am enlightened enough and know myself well enough to be able to recognize happiness and differentiate it with that  which has the opposite effect.

The world is full of sadness and misery, every time we look around we see something that just depresses us and makes us feel bad.  But the world also has so much good, beauty and joy. We need it all, it is imperative that we find individual ways to be happy. I believe that happiness will give us hope and make everything else palatable.  If we live with anger, sorrow and despair, then we do not live.   We crush our hopes and diminish our souls, our possibilities to be greater, better, wiser people.  On the contrary,  if we can make the choice to be happy, look for and find that happiness around us, then we can continue to feed our souls with hope and inspiration and be able to take the next positive step into our future!  You have the power make the change, use it, make the decision to be happy!

*Bobby McFerrin 1988

Slipping through my fingers

Slipping through my fingers all the time

And a sense of guilt I can’t deny
What happened to the wonderful adventures
The places I had planned for us to go
(slipping through my fingers all the time)
Well, some of that we did but most we didn’t
And why I just don’t know
Slipping through my fingers all the time
I try to capture every minute
the feeling in it
Slipping through my fingers all the time ………”

Life! What a wonderful, wondrous and fragile thing! When we embrace life and choose to live it as the real thing and not as a dress rehearsal, it indeed can be very fulfilling.  I bet most of us no matter what stresses we have in our lives and whatever hardships we are facing can stop for a moment and think that one thought, invoke that one memory that gladden’s our minds and lightens our hearts! We can always be thankful for something no matter how small and no matter how mundane it may seem to others, for us it is just what we need to keep us going!

Life, why am I talking about life? Because we take it for granted, we take living for granted, working for granted, breathing for granted, we become complacent and don’t make much effort to ensure that we are living quality lifestyles surrounded by people who add value to our lives.  We forget that the future is not guaranteed; that each and every minute lived is gone and cannot be returned to do over.  Each and every human encounter is special and unique in that it will never again happen like that; A burst of laughter from the gut rendering us in stitches, or the tears of sorrow or sadness or pain, once they occur they are unique and never to be replicated.

We allow life to slip by us without giving it a second thought without as much as a sideways glance at what we have let slip by and lost, oblivious to what lessons we should have learned from it and what memories we could have cherished. Why this somber mood? I will tell you, I was watching my Angel Tween the other day at the craft table in our house doing some home work where she was required to make a scrap-book about the classic Great Expectations(Charles Dickens).  Every time I tried to ask to help I was silenced with a reproachful look I stalled in my tracks and my speech.  I experienced a bitter-sweet feeling, bitter because she does not need me anymore like she used to and sweet from pride because she is coming into her own my little person and doing an amazing job at being independent.  I felt a sadness as I left the room looking back and saying “I will be in my room if you need me, just ask okay sweetie?” her reply? An absent-minded “sure mum thanks”.  She had already reverted back to her task and I was more a hindrance than a help.

Life slips by every moment, every day, every week month and year. It slips by whether we like it or not, whether we are present or absent it slips by. Yesterday I thought life would go a certain way, today I look back and see how many wasted moments I had and I am determined not to waste anymore time.  I am living with determination and purpose, without remorse or apologies; I am living every moment because that moment is the very last till the next one.  I am embracing life and all the experiences around me.  I am hugging my Angel Tween when the urge hits me, and making no apologies, luckily I raised her with enough good manners to humor me as I smother her with yet another hug just because.  My friends, don’t waste another moment, with your friends and loved ones, don’t waste any more time with life.  We only have one life, let us live it before it slips through our fingers never to return.

Dream, I dare you!

It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.” 
― Paulo Coelho, the Alchemist

Dreams (a strongly desired goal or purpose), aspiration even, are part of our lives and very important components at that.  There are people out there who spend hours dreaming about what they want to be, how they want to live, and even what they want to accomplish.  Then there are those who resign themselves and state that they will never be able to accomplish their dreams, so they give up and live a “half life”, one where they are existing but not living, how sad! Publicly these people may seem happy, accomplished even, but deep down in their souls, where they cannot hide from themselves; they are just going through the motions, not really happy about their situations, but not courageous enough to make any significant changes. Continue reading


Laughter, what is this thing that makes us feel so good?  If one can laugh then it makes everything alright, even if it is just for that one moment.  I love to laugh, especially when I can laugh until my sides ache.  It does not matter what it is that gets me there, I really just like the experience, and I love when the laughter has died down, how just a memory of it can get me smiling and feeling good all over again. Continue reading

Stop the world, I want to get off!

Finding some quiet time in your life, I think, is hugely important. Mariel Hemingway

Do you ever feel like you want the world to stop so that you can get off?  Not die, I don’t mean get of permanently, I mean just a chance for you to take a break from your life.  I know I do.  Sometimes things get so overwhelming that I feel, if I get thrown one more thing, I will just crumble!  Sometimes I get so weary, so tired and feel like I am losing myself to all that is around me.  Continue reading

Music in my Head!

Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent. Victor Hugo

I want to talk about sound, about music.   I want to talk to you about all the times that music has said for us what we cannot say.  I believe that songs have been written to express every emotion on this earth, well maybe not all emotions, but very near it.  Continue reading

Let me tell you a secret!

In the relationships between parents and children trust is a very important issue.  From birth children look to their parents for guidance. For a blissful few years we the parents are the ultimate in our children’s eyes?   They look to us to help them maneuver through life!  Parents, doesn’t it feel wonderful when your child looks at you with eyes full of trust; sure that we know all there is to know in the world? Continue reading


“We can work together for a better world with men and women of goodwill, those who radiate the intrinsic goodness of humankind.” Wangari Maathai

Last year, I had the good fortune to attend a very special birthday party, a birthday party for over 200 children.  Besides the size of the birthday being larger than usual, the other unique feature was that, the party was an all day event hosted for the 200 children by well wishers. I am proud to say that my organization was the master mind of the event, and we roped in a few partners to assist with the event. Continue reading