The Journey Continues……..

Ever Tried.  Ever Failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail Again. Fail Better! Samuel Beckett

It’s been a while, a long while;  I guess this is what is called taking a hiatus from writing.  I am not sure what brought it on, but there it was,  I stopped writing regularly and posting in the blog, and looking back I think it is a shame.  I used to enjoy the dialogue with friends old and new from around the world, friends who would read the blog on a weekly basis and comment. I felt honored words I wrote would inspire people and make them feel good. Then it all stopped, the drive I felt to write remained but to write for the public domain did not.  Not until now. Continue reading


Smile, breathe and go slowly! Thich Nhat Hanh

I play squash three mornings a week, when I am in Mombasa.  I love the game of squash; it is very varied and gives a great cardio work out.  It is also very competitive and I like competition.

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“To get to know a woman

don’t look inside her heart,

just rummage through her handbag

the perfect place to start!

Handbags, whether large or small

tell our secrets, one and all.”

Excerpt from a poem HANDBAGS by Elijah A. Terry

This morning  I was preparing my handbag on my way to work, every day I carry a handbag to work,  I carry a handbag to go shopping, actually every time I leave the house, I carry my handbag with me.  Even when I am going for my early morning squash session, I leave my handbag in the car, in case I need something in it, in the three minutes it takes to drive from my house to the squash court.  Normally, I just pick a handbag that suits what I am wearing (to the best of my ability, I am not exactly a fashionista).  I then absent-mindedly switch the contents from the handbag I used previously to the one I will be using.   I carry roughly the same things every day.

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A Leap of Faith!

“By leaving your comfort zone behind and taking a leap of faith into something new, you find out who are truly capable of becoming”

Unknown quotes

I have a friend, one who is so vivacious in her speech that when she speaks her words turn into a kaleidoscope of colors and images.  She can in a sentence transport you to where she is describing as though you were in a 3-D movie set, watching the movie happening around you. Continue reading

“I believe I …………..”

“Only in quiet waters, things mirror themselves undistorted.  Only in a quiet mind is adequate perception of the world.” Hans Margolius, quoted in A Toolbox for Humanity

In the process of discussions with friends and general experiences, I have come to the conclusion that you define your life by your perception of it. In other words, I will react to the world in the way that I see the world and my place in it. Continue reading

In out, in about, in out and over!

Don’t ever be afraid of standing out. Fear fitting in because you can get lost in the crowd, but standing alone you always find yourself. Unknown Quotes

There was a game I remember we used to play.  We used to call it bladder! It was a game played by a minimum of three girls, two girls hold up the bladder (rubber strip that is flexible and is tied to form a loop) the other girl then tries to jump in and out of the bladder, and each turn she is successful the girls raise the bladder making the next time harder. Continue reading

“Joy and pain, sunshine and rain”*

The key to keeping your balance is knowing when you’ve lost it. Anonymous

I am having real trouble with a particular thought that will not go away even though am unwilling to name it, own it and hence give it life.  When I begun this blog, it was with the mindset to inspire to give positive thought and experiences out to the world. Continue reading

“Voices of Light”

Do not go where the path may lead.  Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” – Emerson

It is amazing how music transcends generations, how it is that for music lovers the past, even as far back as 60 years ago can be a lesson on vibrations, rhythm,  and beats; how the past can be utilized as a baseline for creating future sounds.  Recently I had an encounter with some great young men, Kenyan to the core, I fell in love with those guys, I liked their vibe, the way they expressed themselves, the way they were so real! Continue reading

Groove me!

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit”  Aristotle, Ancient Greek philosopher, Teacher, Doctor 384 BC-322 BC

I was having lunch with a friend recently and we were discussing a very interesting topic, actually it’s more like he was schooling me on a concept that I found really interesting.  He had called me earlier that day and he was eating digestive biscuits, he proceeded to tell me that they were his reward to himself. So of course nosy me, I had to know what he was rewarding himself for, I wanted to take the piss out of him, but actually the answer he gave me, really made me think and it made me curious to know more. 

Our subsequent lunch time discussion was about this reward system that he used, he explained that this was not his invention but one that was legitimate and supported by a lot of studies.  He explained that when we learn something new like driving a car, it initially requires that we invest a lot of our mind into making it happen successfully, we are initially painfully aware of the gears, the indicators, all the mirrors and we are probably unable to even carry on a conversation whilst mastering this car driving thing.

After a while and with practice, it becomes commonplace, a habit. The constant practice has made it so that we can drive that car on automatic pilot, without investing too much of our immediate thinking.  We are then able to talk, eat, and listen to music all whilst driving the car.  We have “grooved” the habit of driving the car into our “Basal Ganglia”; the part of our brains that is responsible for a variety of functions like voluntary motor control, procedural learning relating to routine behaviors, what we call habits. Grooving, my friend explained, is like how a tract can have a constant flow of water until it is shaped or “grooved into a canal. In the same way habits are grooved into our “Basal Ganglia”.  I am feeling so scientific right about now, very pleased with myself and excited about this new thing that I am learning!

Anyway after our very exciting discussion, okay I thought it was exciting!   I started thinking about how it is that I can adjust or change bad habits or introduce new habits into my life, and how my friend had mentioned that for a habit to be well “grooved” it needs a reward.  Hmmmm! okay so basically the way I understood this was, if I want to say, make exercise a part of my lifestyle, I begin the exercise and give myself a reward each time I actually get out there and do it.  I like massages and I can decide that this will be my reward for successfully exercising.  After a week of continuous exercising I reward my continuous efforts with a massage.  Something that makes me feel good, as a reward for maintaining the exercise.  Apparently, because there is a reward attached to my exercising, grooving it becomes easy and it becomes a part of my lifestyle; Success!

So right now am wracking my brain trying to see what bad habits I have, I have many trust me! I wonder how I can modify them with just the right reward to ensure success. I am also thinking about what new behaviors I would like to introduce and “groove” into my Basal Ganglia for my personal advancement and growth. This will take a while, but I have begun on this new path towards personal development using rewards.  Sounds so yummy, I am excited! I am buying into and joining “the groove theory” into the Basal Ganglia! Does that not sound like a song or at least a political movement?  I am going to pick a bad habit or find a new one and I am going to try this groove theory.  I will let you know how I fare.  I challenge you to try to chart your own path to personal development!

Carpe Diem!

“And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.” 
–Abraham Lincoln

Every day I wake up I am grateful, there are many who do not, each time I look at my daughter I am in awe of the blessings bestowed upon me, as there are many who will never know what it’s like to be a parent.  As much as I cuss about my job and pay and anything work related, I know I am being a hypocrite, because I should be grateful I have a job to complain about, co-workers to drive me nuts, many many people are not working. Continue reading