“By leaving your comfort zone behind and taking a leap of faith into something new, you find out who are truly capable of becoming”
Unknown quotes
I have a friend, one who is so vivacious in her speech that when she speaks her words turn into a kaleidoscope of colors and images. She can in a sentence transport you to where she is describing as though you were in a 3-D movie set, watching the movie happening around you.She is a mixture of creativity and imagery, she opens her mouth and color, rhythm, and life tumbles out! You are wondering why I am telling you about her? What it has to do with this piece? Everything! This friend is one of the bravest people I know. She has in the most recent time taken a leap of faith against all advice and caution; she has decided to live her dream.
A leap of faith, well I am a movie buff and I particularly like adventure action type movies and the Indiana Jones series are a particular favorite of mine. Anyway in one of them (The last Crusade, 1989) there is a scene where Indiana is expected to take a step into a very deep carven and have faith enough that he wont fall in, foolish huh? I know most people would not have the faith to actually take the next step and that step is usually the one that matters, the one we take into the oblivion of the unknown.
What is interesting about this leap of faith is that there are no guarantees as to whether or not we will succeed, but that is hardly the point is it? No the point is to take the step, have the faith and do it! The outcome could be good or bad, but at the very least we tried and now we know. Progress any way it ends up. Most of us are too afraid to take that leap of faith, or we are just too comfortable with the status quo. I for one am content in my situation and am thankful to have that contentment, but am certain that I am not developing, I am not stretching my boundaries to see what more I am capable of. I am mediocre in my existence and that is not good.
I am hoping this friend’s leap of faith will propel me to have the courage to do the same. To be able to make decisions with intent to grow and discover more of the facets that combine to make me who I am. I know that I under utilize my abilities and I probably have strengths I am not aware of. The sad thing is as long as I stay afraid and never take that leap, then I will remain cautious and not fulfilling my destiny. I think it is about that time! Don’t you?
Here are some words to wish you all goodness and in this leap of faith (from a beautiful Irish lullaby “Sleepsong” by Secret Garden):
May you sail fair
To the far fields of fortune;
With diamonds and pearls
At your head and your feet;
And may you need never,
To banish misfortune;
May you find kindness
In all that you meet.
Couldn’t agree more! It’s about that time for so many of us :-)!!
I don’t know how I missed this one! I think it is so powerful. I am blessed to have friends like you who inspire and encourage and strengthen me when I take leaps of faith albeit small ones. You are right the unknown can scare us, but I hope what that little fear in the middle of our tummy is, is a quickening that put our resources, the very best of us into overdrive to accomplish that which needs to be. Writing your blog was a leap and see how beautiful it is. I look forward to buying your book of thoughts soon.
Mama Sunshine!