Diet Obstacles

The process of this diet did come with a few unexpected challenges and to ease your diet path and make it easier for you to navigate the diet process. Since I have taken the journey with success, I feel that it would be helpful for me to share some of the challenges I faced. I have chosen to tell you about some of the challenges I faced (you may face different ones), more importantly how I tackled them without compromising the diet requirements. I am sharing this information with the hope that it is useful and makes this arduous process a little easier for you.

As my diet progressed even self-control with the diet go easier. However, as with every process, there were challenges that I had to overcome. The first challenge I faced very early on (within the first week). Namely, I found it difficult to have a regular bowel movement (sorry a bit disgusting, yet necessary to discuss). I consulted a doctor about it, and he explained that my diet being only liquids, would make it challenging for my intestines to push liquid through. Thus enabling me to have a bowel movement. Now I understand the role that roughage (non-soluble fibre) plays in our diet, helping to keep us “regular”.

Liquid diet equals liquid waste. To resolve this issue I did some research and in the process discovered Linseed (flaxseed). Linseed is an effective binding agent. Due to its binding properties, Linseed is used in recipes, it as an egg substitute. Linseed will take whatever liquids surround it and bond them into a solid mass. A solid mass in the intestines equals a bowel movement. Problem solved. Chia seeds are a good substitute for Linseeds, for the same purpose and other nutritional benefits. Chia can, therefore, can be used interchangeably this diet for the same purpose. 

I went out and bought the Linseed with the intent to include it to my diet hoping that it would help me with being more “regular”. As a result of my new-found information, I began adding Linseed into my smoothies before blending (3tsp) and cooked soups before serving (2tsp). It did the trick, regular bowel movements after each meal, metabolism back and things flowing as they should. 

The next challenge I faced with my diet came in the form of queries and concerns by a particular doctor. His concern included my choice to remaining on liquids beyond the nutritionists prescribed 2 weeks. In his opinion, my diet was too restrictive, unrealistic and not sustainable. Subsequently, he discouraged me from the diet, from the very beginning. According to him, I ran the risk of becoming Bulimic. This came after I shared my formula for dealing with cravings. He did not believe I would have the resolve not to swallow the food

Additionally, the doctor had concerns that my not eating solids for a long time, might result in my intestines atrophy from lack of use. I am not sure how true this is. He further suggested that continuing with this liquid diet for an extended amount of time would invariably put me at risk of malnutrition. In this case, Malnutrition caused by an essential mineral and vitamin deficit. I believe, he thought I had lost my mind to take on such an impossible task. Suggesting that I see a therapist to deal with my supposed mental issues surrounding weight loss. 

The doctor’s comments and he was not alone, made me realize a few things; People can only advice you from their point of view. The questions and doubts bandied my way, had little to do with professional knowledge, more to do with their self-doubt. Consequently, their comments were them projecting their fears and insecurities on me.

In retrospect, the doctor was projecting his lack of discipline and his insecurities about weight loss. Further, he completely underestimated my resolve, will power, discipline and determination. However, as I felt that he meant me no harm to appease him, I agreed to undergo monthly blood tests. I further agreed that if the blood tests confirmed his concerns, indicating deficiencies, then I would agree to take supplements. These supplements would replace any depleted vitamins and minerals.

He could determine what he wanted to check. Hence the checks he decided on would indicate if my new diet was depleting necessary nutrients from my body. The blood tests were to check specific things, as listed:

  1. Fasting Cholesterol
  2. Fasting sugar
  3.  HBA1c
  4. Magnesium
  5. Folic
  6. Vitamin B12

The blood tests began after the 1st month and continued monthly for 6 months. The subsequent results of the blood tests each month were that the diet did not have adverse effects on my body. On the contrary, the results of the blood tests showed that my body was receiving the full complement of nutrients and minerals necessary. Additionally, Cholesterol and blood sugar levels improved as well. Vindication. 

The results of the blood tests showed that not only was the diet not depleting anything necessary from my body, but it was good for me.   My chosen diet gave me sustenance, energy and all the minerals and vitamins necessary. Hence, I did not have to take any supplements and it helped convince the doctor that his concerns were needless.

It is important to keep in mind when you decide to follow such a diet, those around you can try and discourage you, try to get you to change your decision. Don’t expect them to understand. As in many decisions in your life, you must be resolute. However, even in your determination, do not take unnecessary chances with your health. Seek professional help before beginning your diet from a nutritionist and/ or a doctor (particularly if there or any underlying medical conditions). Ensure that in following your diet, you are not doing more harm than good. 

To be successful you must be disciplined. To this end, you must be able to resist temptations and remarks of discouragement from those around you. Sadly, even the ones who love you and supposedly want what is best for you. People can inadvertently or purposely project their fears on you, whilst others envy your level of discipline and resolve to change to improve. Maybe they don’t have “it” in them. Remember, “Misery loves company”. 

In summary, no one else can walk your path. Ask yourself how badly do you want this? This is your choice, be resolved to see it through to the end. Do not be discouraged do not give in or give up. Listen to your inner voice, own your diet, own your path, and your journey towards living your best life!

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