Connect A-head!

“Invisible threads are the strongest ties.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche

One recent evening, I sat at a table at the Tamarind restaurant, overlooking the beautiful creek that surrounds, Mombasa Island.  At night the sight is magical. The entire island comes to life with twinkling lights.   The creek is as calm as a sheet.  If one did not know better they may think the water is a frozen sheet of ice, however we are in Mombasa, in Kenya, the equator etc, so frozen water? Not at all likely, it was very still though, like glass, a mirror for the glistening island of Mombasa, breathtaking!

I sat and shared Sushi with some new friends and it was lovely, what started of as a quick meeting, a quick drink and off, became an evening of conversation and sharing.  We sat there three of us, from different disciplines and we shared and learned from each other in an open unadulterated way.  What lead to this meeting? Good will and great connectivity’s, it got me thinking.

I live in a country where connections are everything; success in life is based a great deal on who you know and who opens doors for you.  Yes of course there is the aspect of hard work, yet we work and maneuver through life in a large part based on trust. Hence my idea; imagine if each and every one in the world did an inventory of  the people we know, then decided that for the next month, to identify at least one friend or business contact or acquaintance per week and introduce them to someone who may be useful to them.    In my case,  if I took one person in my life, and introduced them to someone also in my life who might be useful to them.  Payment?  Ask them to do the same in return.  Pay it forward, in a web of human connections.

Would this not begin a chain reaction of goodwill and connectivity? Each person looking at how they can further the efforts of another, purely for the goodness of humanity? Where no one is looking for individual gain? There is however, a lot of gain to be had.  I believe that when you are able to assist a person to make a positive, beneficial connection for them, then you have just banked a favor with the universe. This favor will eventually be revisited back to you.  Imagine how many favors the universe would owe you and how much good will and blessings will be bestowed upon you, by making a selfless connection for someone who needs it.  In my opinion, making such connections is like being a benevolent parent assisting their child who is learning to walk. The parent supports the child as they begin their first tentative steps, then they gently release the child as they step down with more stability, so that they begin to walk on their own.  What an awesome moment when the child realizes that yes they are walking on their own, they can do it!

You hear sayings like giving some one wings to fly, it is usually attributed to a child with a parent or a student and teacher.  What if we considered ourselves, all of us teachers and we connect our students to the next teacher who will take them to the next level? So if I begin the process and in one month I connect 4 people who in turn connect 4 people and so on, within 6 months just from my web we are talking about a giant web of connectivity.  What if this is taken up by all my friends and they pass on the connectivity’s and in their own lives, will it not begin a chain reaction that will have untold goodwill spreading through out the world?

I am beginning my connectivity web today, I challenge you to do the same and  let’s see if we are able to change the world even slightly with that positive connectivity vibe, join me and see what we are collectively able to do? Let me know how you fare and also how you feel!

One thought on “Connect A-head!

  1. This is very Khantian is philosophy. Emmanuel Khant’s 2nd imperative states that we are to treat each other with the utmost dignity and our contact with each other should in no way diminish the dignity of the other, but more importantly that we should live with each other as though each one was an ends in themselves and not a means to an end. Connecting forward makes a lot of sense. I’ve been a beneficiary of it and will do it more consciously and more often. Thanks for the challenge…. and for writing again!

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