I am a Tomboy!

“My soul is not contained within the limits of my body; my body is contained within the limitlessness of my soul” Jim Carey

When I was a little girl, I lived amongst boys, so much so that I thought I was a boy.  I climbed trees, and generally ran rampant, well as much as my grandmother would allow me.  Later on I grew into womanhood and the real fun begun. Truth be told, I have never really been a girly girl, even in University, I opted to sleep an extra half hour rather than join my friends in the bathroom preening and putting on make-up before class. 

Now I am a grown up woman, and as far as women go, I am probably less of the lace and frills sort of woman, and more the hand spun cotton sort.  I had an interesting conversation recently with a male work colleague, who asked me if I was a Tomboy, it was a curious question.  I found the question humorous yet I decided that before I answered him, I needed to ascertain his definition of Tomboy, mark you, the fact that he thinks a grown woman can be a Tomboy is very telling don’t you think? Bless his heart, he told me in his opinion, a Tomboy was a woman who was outspoken, could handle herself amongst men, was confident and in command of her life. To that definition I quickly answered yes yes, I hope I am a Tomboy. What a lovely definition and what an honour that this is how he perceives me, though of course none of his description was intended as a compliment.  He was basically stating that I was a woman in a man’s environment who did not know my place and was out-of-order and should without fuss get back into my box.

What a hoot! Box? What box? I don’t think they invented one that can contain my spirit!  However, they keep trying to put me in that box and at times I grow so weary of people’s reaction and I momentarily lose sight of me and truly feel that life might be easier if I just became what people want me to be, quietly behaving in my box.  By the grace of God, I have angels flitting around who promptly remove boxes from my sight and for good measure smack me out of my stupor and back on track as needed. Bless all my Angels wherever they are, thanks for the wake-up call.

Ironically the same friends that can be complete angels and step in to save you from a fate worse than death, can also be totally detrimental and dangerous to you, beware! Should they for some odd reason believe that they are better than you, smarter, more intelligent, and worldly and generally more entitled to the universe than you are, then my friends you are in trouble.   The help they then offer is not really for your benefit, or to uplift you as you are, but as they see you.  When you are in trouble they will come to your rescue, but on their terms, and to get the help you really must conform to the image they have of you.  It really is a case of out of the frying pan into the fire.

When we try to declare our individual God-given thoughts and make decisions that resonate well in our own souls, those decisions happen not be in keeping with the friends idea of what transparent box we should be in, then the mayhem begins.  When we think and act as our souls dictate, we become a situation, an embarrassment that must be suppressed instantly, “what is she doing”? As they try desperately to bring us back to form.  “How embarrassing, what do you need”? They say,” is it money? What? Just get off that ledge and stop making a spectacle of yourself and behave accordingly”.

How funny it is that we sometimes cease to be human beings deserving of dignity and respect and the ability to exercise our God-given right to make our own decisions as we choose.  We have now become a situation, an embarrassment. Oh and it is the same friends and loved ones who so label us thus. “She is out of the box” goes the battle cry, “quick quick, corral her back in, before anybody notices, quick, give her what she requires to get back in the box.  We can still contain this situation, but we must act quickly”.  You are now the project, friends meet and discuss you and your situation, no sorry you are the situation, they are discussing you, and you might even be there, but who asked for your input, “we are here to save you, if you could just recognize you are out of control and get back into that box, see how pretty it is and its transparent as well, you can see all around you, all will be well, just get back in the box sweetie”.

So as you can imagine, as I revel in the depths of womanhood, I really don’t like to conform, the box transparent or otherwise is not for me.   I really like my colleagues definition of Tomboy and will own it compliment or not.  My friends here is the thing, you need to be you! God created us perfect and you are, be well with your soul.  Always remember to be wary of “friends” who tell you all will be okay and at the same time they are gently, subtly pushing you down so that you get back into your box!

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