1. Whoever comes are the right people
2. Whatever happens is the only thing that could have.
3. Whenever it starts is the right time
4. When it’s over, it’s over.”
Author Unknown
It is my belief that certain people come into our lives at the right time and for a particular purpose, after which they either stay because the message is indefinite and their continuous process inspires us forward, or they complete their task, and having done their bidding, they leave.
It is important I think, that when people come into one’s life, you need to see what value they bring to you, or realise that sometimes you are the giver of value to them. Relationships in my opinion should have mutual benefit, this does not mean that it is equal sharing, you give I give, no I mean that you should both benefit from the union. Keep in mind that sometimes the benefit you receive may be in the giving of yourself to someone and their receiving, and if you believe in Karma, then you have just put out to the universe and sometime when you least expect it, you will receive.
What am I on about? Well I had a breakfast meeting recently with a new friend, we talked about many things and upon leaving the rendezvous to get on with other parts of our lives, I earnestly hoped that that would not be the last of our rendezvous together and that our future rendezvous should be centred around coffee, as we are both avid coffee drinkers. I learned a lot talking to him; about taking chances, yet calculating risks, not being afraid to step out yet stepping out strategically and with method and some level of planning. I re-learned that life is not single faceted and neither are we as human beings, though unfortunately at times we take one part of ourselves so seriously that we lose sight of our other facets, and we have many.
I was watching a movie once a few years back and one of the characters, in my opinion the most colourful, said we should live spherically! I don’t think she meant we should all be rotund, but that we should live our lives in many different directions. I discovered upon a bit of research that the saying is attributed to Federico Fellini the famous Italian film director and script writer (1920-1993). When we experience and live in many directions then we learn many different things and that adds to our being more interesting and in feeding the different facets that make us the interesting creatures that we are. It also means that if one facet is not working well and gelling with our souls, we can concentrate on other facets and give that one a break. It means to me that we should not take any of our facets too seriously!
The saying by Fellini goes on to say that by not lose our childlike or childish or childhood enthusiasm things will come our way. Well one thing is sure; children have a way of being enthusiastic about things that far beats any adult. They are enthusiastic with their entire beings, even if it is only for a minute, but what a glorious minute. To allow ourselves to be consumed by a feeling, pure pleasure and joy regardless of the audience and the external perspectives; almost like taking a grain of time and freezing it for a moment and revelling in it before it un-freezes and regular life takes over. Okay so I am taking this fancy very far, but imagine being able to freeze moments of time for you to enjoy a happy pleasurable moment! Or as a friend says, “play in the rain as you might get hit by a bus tomorrow” okay a bit harsh but you get the point right?
Anyway, so as I begun this anecdote I would say that I believe that each and every person that we encounter in life is not there by accident, they all bring us a message and we should be attune enough to get the message, or give the message they need from us. We should be careful to understand that they will not all be in our lives for the duration; some are there for a fleeting moment, others are for a lifetime and some come and go as we need or they need us. We should identify them for that they are and act accordingly not being afraid to say hello, goodbye or hello again as the situation dictates.
Oh Wanjiru … what a blessing this is to me … TODAY!!! Loving you, my sister!!