The Journey Continues……..

Ever Tried.  Ever Failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail Again. Fail Better! Samuel Beckett

It’s been a while, a long while;  I guess this is what is called taking a hiatus from writing.  I am not sure what brought it on, but there it was,  I stopped writing regularly and posting in the blog, and looking back I think it is a shame.  I used to enjoy the dialogue with friends old and new from around the world, friends who would read the blog on a weekly basis and comment. I felt honored words I wrote would inspire people and make them feel good. Then it all stopped, the drive I felt to write remained but to write for the public domain did not.  Not until now.

I have decided that it is time to revive the blog, dust it off and begin again.  Thank God for new beginnings, and may they  happen over and over again!  Life’s opportunity to reinvent ourselves or remind ourselves of some of the wonderful moments we have spent in the past and enable us to relive them again.  I truly enjoyed writing the blog before and I know I will enjoy it again.

What has happened since then? Plenty.  All good! Fabulous and amazing experiences, even the bad nasty, never want to experience that again ones, were all good.  Why? I learned from them, I grew stronger from going through those experiences and best of all…… I am still standing!

This last year 2014 has been a year of self discovery! A year where everything went pear-shaped (why do we hate on the Pear fruit, I like its shape, yet that is the description we use when things are the wrong way up and upside down.  I did a little digging and discovered that it is that pear shape that signifies imperfection, not perfectly circular, and perfection is what we aspire to so hence the phrase pear-shaped).  Anyway, things were thick and I was in the thick of those things without a way out! I was angry, sad, and miserable and every pore of my being was screaming and kicking to get out of the rut I found myself in.  I was not sleeping, I was stressed, my blood pressure must have been sky-high, I did not dare to check.  I was like this progressively for a good six months and I was deteriorating fast.  Something had to give!

I cannot tell you what specifically happened, something someone said or something happened that resonated with my being and due to it, change occurred.  I am sure if I sit and think hard enough, I might get to that defining moment when things started to change for me, however in retrospect; it is not that big of a deal. The big deal is that change occurred within me and my outlook to life and living.  I made a very conscious effort to be good in my skin, to be grateful with my lot and to be optimistic about tomorrow!  I also made the decision to look at every experience as a learning one, to look back at all the bad things and label them experiences that would  forge my future and frame my past.

With this new ammunition and new-found attitude I soldiered on, what a great experience it has been for me, along the way I finally watched “the secret” which just reiterated to me how I should have been living all this time.  I made new friends along the way and more importantly rekindled old friendships and just as importantly, I  dropped some that should never have been.  A  real awakening for me again!  I love life, it allows you to try, try and try again till you get to where it fits with your soul and embeds in your skin.  I love life because after all that effort and getting yourself to a good place,  if you falter along your journey, you can dust yourself of and try yet again!

So the journey continues……… Life is glorious and I feel right with the universe! One step and then the next into the future….. I am glad to be alive and eating life with a big spoon!

3 thoughts on “The Journey Continues……..

  1. Indeed life’s journey requires continually learning how to fit our souls into our skins…. everyday…. adorning our skins well with ourselves…. our honest-to-god selves and cuddling our souls, skins and selves together for a good nights rest at the end of each day knowing we did our best whether we over-achieved, simply succeeded or failed better!
    Good to have you writing again….

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