Dream, I dare you!

It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.” 
― Paulo Coelho, the Alchemist

Dreams (a strongly desired goal or purpose), aspiration even, are part of our lives and very important components at that.  There are people out there who spend hours dreaming about what they want to be, how they want to live, and even what they want to accomplish.  Then there are those who resign themselves and state that they will never be able to accomplish their dreams, so they give up and live a “half life”, one where they are existing but not living, how sad! Publicly these people may seem happy, accomplished even, but deep down in their souls, where they cannot hide from themselves; they are just going through the motions, not really happy about their situations, but not courageous enough to make any significant changes.

A friend of mine and I were talking about dreams recently, he was talking about frustrations of always being expected to follow a path different from where you heart and soul are leading you.  We talked of how it is that one has to at times take on responsibilities, in exchange for their dreams.  He gave an example of a person who when young wants to be a ballerina, or a gymnast, yet the people around them consider this a foolish pastime and fancy, and not to be considered as a future career.  Subsequently due to the pressure, that person follows the path that is expected of them, in lieu of their dreams, they are unhappy, but still find a  way to hold on to their initial  dream, never letting it fade or die away.  Many years later when they are brave enough to stop listening to the voices around them, when they are ready to pursue their dream, it is too late to become a ballerina, or a gymnast, these skills require a lot of years of training and from very early on, the window of opportunity has passed.

What a tragedy, when this person is finally ready to embrace their true selves, it is too late for their dreams to be realized. Or is it? They may never become prima ballerina’s for a world-class Ballet company, but they can still find creative ways to involve themselves in ballet, they can work to assist other youngsters to achieve their dreams, they can raise funds to establish dance companies in low-income areas, for those who could not otherwise afford the dream to become ballerina’s or gymnasts.  They can become the example of a person who never gives up their dreams.  Can we agree that dreams are not single faceted?  Being involved in Ballet is not just about being a dancer; ballet is an entire industry in and of itself and a person can involve themselves in their dream, in a different and creative way. Not what they had initially foreseen, yet not too far from it either. Maybe they were never intended to dance as ballerinas but their dream of having a life in ballet is not dead.

I toy with my dreams a lot, I love to daydream.  I wonder sometimes if my daydreams are not a reflection of where I would like to be, and the life I would like to live, aside from the one I am presently living. I am lucky that my daydreams do not deviate a great deal from my current life, it is more to do with people and relationships and how those play out that I dream.  I am not unhappy in my career or in my life, and God knows I am grateful for all the blessings I have. I ask if we do not dream, can we continue to live?  I see my dreams as my roadmap into the future.  If I envision myself in my dreams to drive a Tuareg, for instance, is that not motivation to do what I can to ensure that I can afford and purchase a Tuareg, hence making my dream come true? Without dreams, I may not have hope, not have tomorrow to look forward to.  I need, and cherish my dreams so that I can see a way forward.

Paulo Coelho’s book The Alchemist has been one of the most inspirational books to me, because not only does he tell you in this book to follow your dream no matter what, he also says you will deviate from your course a lot in your pursuit of your dream, but that you should never give up that dream.  He continues, that in all your chasing of dreams, often times you find those dreams right where you begun, but it takes the journey to search for those dreams, to enable you to identify and appreciate them when you finally accomplish them and begin living the life of your dreams.

So my friends, have courage, begin to dream, take the journey in search of those dreams, never give up, and embrace every experience along the road to your dreams.  Live, and follow your dreams until you have realized them. It may take an eternity to your dreams, but what a journey because you are truly living, in pursuit of those dreams!

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